Thursday, September 13, 2007

"You Can't Treat Jesus Like a Frisbee!"

This is what I've learned at school this semester.

Well, that and many other things already. Like how to prepare a Gram stain and how to use a separatory funnel (like a fat separator for chemists!) and how to spell "desiccate."

My head and my schedule are full, full, full. I know I am getting much more out of school at almost-thirty than I did at almost-eighteen, but it is harder to balance school with spouse and house and children and church and still make time to wash my hair. It all fits into twenty-four hours, but just barely.

On the menu tonight - pancakes, sausage and applesauce. A move inspired by Molly's list of ways to cut your grocery budget. Yum.

First homework due tomorrow and first quiz too. School is truly in session!